I went out walking yesterday and discovered that the knapweed is tall enough to use and that at least some of the arrowleaf balsamroot is blooming, which means it should be about ready to print with. The plant pictures were not meant to be quite so artsy-fartsy, it was raining so I didn't take the time to really check to see what the images looked like. Apparently, if you use your finger to clean off the lense this is what you get in the way of special effects!
Knapweed |
Arrowleaf balsamroot. |
Both laid out with dried golden currant leaves from last fall, as we have no leaves on the trees yet. |
Ready to steam! One has the currant leaves and the other one is with oak leaves. I also used a couple of burdock leaves in one of them, I can't remember if it prints or not, we shall see. |
I used fabric that had been pretreated with steel wool, so the knapweed is green. I will have to open them up in a few days to see if I picked the balsamroot too early or not. The leaves need to have lost their fuzz, so the plant is blooming, but they also can't be too old or they won't print either. I have some scarves pretreated with alum, which will make both knapweed and balsamroot print yellow, I may have to do that in the next couple of days. |
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